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Mum & Bubs Exercise Classes

Exercise with your baby 

Mums & Bubs Exercise Classes Perth are designed specifically for mums to help regain body shape, strength and fitness after childbirth. With a focus on posture and working those all-important abdominals, back and pelvic floor muscles, classes are perfect for mums who wish to get back to their pre-baby body and exercise alongside likeminded people along with their babies.


  • 45 minute High Intensity Training Session (HIIT) burning hundreds of calories and aid in losing postpartum weight

  • Mixture of cardio, bodyweight, strength and core exercises with a focus on weight loss and core strengthening

  • Exercise using prams, outdoor facilities, bodyweight and babies

  • All exercises are modified for each individuals needs

  • Babies and toddlers are welcome from 6 weeks – 4 years

Sarah Ware Mums and Bubs Classes

IMPORTANT: Before commencing a post-natal fitness class, please check with your GP / Midwife that you are approved for exercise. We recommend the following;


  • Natural vaginal birth - Wait until after your 6 week post-natal check by your GP / Midwife

  • Caesarean - It is recommended that you wait 8 - 10 weeks after birth and are approved for exercise

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