6 Week - New Year Fitness Challenge
Come along to the 2016 Outdoor Group Fitness Challenge in Nedlands
You’ve eaten the turkey roast and the extra portion of Christmas pudding, now with 2016 around the corner you’re motivated for losing weight, getting fitter, stronger and improving your overall health and fitness.
To help you kick start your New Year, Sarah Ware Fit has created a 6 week New Year’s Challenge from the 8th of January through to the 12th of February. What are you waiting for?
Don’t be scared - Challenge yourself!
1. FIRST FITNESS CHALLENGE: Wednesday at 6am - 8th of January
What’s involved: Three simple timed exercises that include strength, stamina and overall fitness. Each challenge will be completed at your own pace and taking a total of 15 minutes at the beginning of the class. The rest of the class will operate as normal, I will track everyone’s results ready for a comparison in 6 weeks’ time. If you choose not to be a part of the challenge don’t worry, you can still take part in the class as usual however I won’t track your results.
For those of you who are taking part in the challenge I urge you to attend both classes on Monday & Wednesday at 6am to 7am to maximise your results. The class format will operate the same in a bootcamp style with lots of circuits and interval training however I will ensure I give you that little extra push during each session to help you towards achieving your best result.
3. FIT FRIDAYS – 6-6:30am at Rosalie Park, Nedlands To ensure you get the very best out of your training and achieve great results I will be running an ADDITIONAL FRIDAY MORNING CLASS for 6 weeks only from 6-6:30am! These classes will be short, sharp, punchy and to the point involving 30 minutes training that will be sure to get your heart rate up. Classes will be different to those held on Mondays & Wednesdays including circuits, intervals, cardio and fartlek training.
*Friday sessions are $10 a class and to be paid upfront in full (6 x $10 = $60).
*Minimum of 5 members to sign up for addition Friday classes to go ahead.
4. FINAL FITNESS CHALLENGE: Wednesday at 6am - 17th February With all of your hard work you will smash this final test out of the park (quite literally) ;-) We will carry out the same 3 exercises we did in week one. Again I will track your results and compare them to your week one test.
'I guarantee, if you work hard EVERYONE will see an improvement within all three tests'
Please contact me if you would like to book in for the additional Friday class so I can establish whether they’re to go ahead. Remember we need at least 5 people to attend for the new class.
As always, please feel free to bring along any new friends, family, partners and work colleagues, the more the merrier. Simply ask that they request a Free Class via the online form.
Happy Training everyone!